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While I thought the market would bounce this week for a few days (which it did), I also have been telling everyone not to get “too comfortable” on the long side of the market.

We are still in a pretty clear daily downtrend, and that is going to be a considerable headwind the market has to fight against for at least a few weeks.

Now, while I don’t think it is a great time to buy tech stocks, there are pockets of strength out there that I think make sense right now.

I pointed out that I have open trades in gold stocks, and I just started a new trade on oil stocks yesterday. 

Both of those sectors have been very strong in the face of this nasty market.

The other area I have found success with is smaller momentum stocks.

Last week, I showed you an idea that ran 25% in a single day (twice, in fact!)

This week, we already saw Monday’s idea run 35% in a couple of days.

Today, I think we have similar potential with a stock that I have mentioned in the past, which was a strong performer.

I think it is heating up again right now.

Pull up Anixa Biosciences (ANIX) on your platform right now and take a look.

This is not the typical “Gamma Trigger” setup I look for (though it might be forming), but rather a different clue that a lot of investors don’t pay enough attention to.

Simply look at the volume…

Small stocks like this are easy to spot volume spikes.

If you look at last month, that early reading on increased volume led to a 30% surge over a few days.

Learning to look for this type of activity will make you a much better trader.

Volume can signal two different things.

When you see a big volume spike in selling (like META today) there is clearly panic from investors as they are changing their mind on the direction of the stock.  

I want to avoid those stocks for a while until trading settles down.

But on the other hand, a volume surge coupled with a rising stock price is an excellent “tell” by the market that investors are starting to pile back into a stock.

It is a pretty simple thing to look for when you think about it, but not enough traders actually follow volume surges.

When it comes to smaller stocks like ANIX, that is one of the top things I look for to spot potential moves.

You saw it happen last month, and we just saw it for the first day yesterday as well.

If we see a follow-through in volume today, I would expect the stock price to react positively as well.

The good thing is that while the market is busy debating the value of tech stocks, future inflation rates, and geopolitical tensions, small stocks like ANIX simply don’t care.

They are typically isolated from all of the market noise. That is why I love to focus on these types of stocks when times are tough.

I really expect to see a good day today for ANIX, you need to keep this on the top of your watchlist.

As far as the company goes, one of the things I like best about it is the huge cash position they have built.

ANIX has cultivated a great reputation and a big roster of deep-pocketed investors.

The company reports an annual cash burn of under $6 million annually since 2017, but as of October 31, 2023, it had a war chest of $24 million. 

If they can maintain that cash burn, that’s a massive cash runway.

On the business side of things, Anixa is a clinical-stage biotech company that focuses on the treatment and prevention of cancer.

You read that correctly. This is one of the only companies I’ve come across that’s actually trying to prevent cancer, not cure it. 

Big difference there. More on that in a moment…

The company has partnered with oncology heavyweights such as Moffitt Cancer Center and the Cleveland Clinic, and has received both funding and collaboration from the National Cancer Institute.

This collaborative approach has allowed ANIX to explore its therapies with considerably lower overhead, especially considering how novel and sophisticated those therapies are.

On the treatment front, ANIX is developing a unique CAR-T therapy (you can read all about these on the company’s website here) with Moffitt that targets receptors that in healthy women appear only on the ovaries.

Interestingly, according to the company, while that receptor “does not exist on cells in healthy adults except for ovaries in women and testes in men, it does appear on blood vessels that nourish other tumors. Therefore, should this therapy work for ovarian cancer patients, it may also work for multiple other cancers.” [emphasis added]

If it pans out, the company believes its “proprietary (patented) approach could be one of the first, if not the first, effective CAR-T therapy for a solid tumor.”

On the prevention side, ANIX is developing cancer vaccines. The idea sounds far-fetched, but once you look into the technology, it sounds extremely promising.

In brief, the company is working with the Cleveland Clinic on vaccines that would prevent breast cancer — especially the most lethal form, triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) — and ovarian cancer

The vaccines would work by training the immune system to target “retired” proteins for destruction. 

The breast cancer vaccine would target the protein alpha-lactalbumin, which is present in healthy breast tissue only when a woman is lactating. Critically, it is also present in many types of breast cancer, especially TNBC.

The idea would be to give women — especially those with breast cancer gene mutations — the vaccine after menopause, thus heading off breast cancer before it can form.

In mice studies, Cleveland Clinic researchers found that “vaccination against alpha-lactalbumin completely prevented breast cancer” in mice that were genetically disposed to getting it, compared to an 80% breast cancer prevalence in control group mice.

The company is pursuing a similar strategy for ovarian cancer, but targeting something called the anti-Mullerian hormone receptor II (AMHR2-ED).

In animal models, Cleveland Clinic researchers found that “vaccination against the extracellular domain of [AMHR2-ED] significantly inhibits tumor growth and enhances overall survival.”

According to the company, “the results indicate that vaccinating women against AMHR2-ED could provide safe and effective preemptive immunity against epithelial ovarian carcinoma, the most common form of ovarian cancer.”

Spend time right now doing your own research on the stock, and of course, always approach your trading in a responsible manner. Trading is very risky and nothing is ever guaranteed, so never trade with more than you can afford to lose, and always have a well-thought-out game plan that takes your personal risk tolerance into consideration.

Bottom line:  Learn to look for volume spikes, especially with smaller companies.  This can be one of the most significant indicators of future price movements (both up and down). Solid stocks like ANIX are naturally going to have ebbs and flows in trading patterns, and you can usually see the next wave starts with a volume surge.

Make sure you are keeping a close eye on ANIX today – I’m expecting big things!

To Your Success,

Jeff Bishop

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