*Company-Sponsored Content by GameSquare. See disclosures below

I found one of the top companies in one of the fastest-growing sectors. 

And it’s not at all what you think…


The last time I discussed GameSquare (GAME) with you, the stock went absolutely bonkers afterward.

I think there is a special opportunity right now, and I want you to put it on your radar again immediately.

You see, I have been following this company very closely for the last year.

They have built a remarkable company that would be nearly impossible to replicate.

Businesses like this have what I call a large “moat” around them.

GAME has built a following of over 1 BILLION native consumers across all of its brands.

Legendary investor (and owner of my favorite football team!) Jerry Jones is one of the company’s largest investors (along with the Goff family)

What is most important to me right now is the price chart.

When I see a beautiful “Gamma Trigger” setup like this, I can’t help but take notice….

That reversal you see circled above is exactly what I love to see as a trader.

It shows me a spot where a stock is starting to change direction and also gives me a good place to put a stop loss if I am wrong.

But, if things go well, this signal can really lead to a strong uptrend with momentum.

If you are a premium Bullseye Trades member, you saw me discuss this yesterday in my email and live session, when I discussed CAVA as my top options idea for the week.

(use this link to save $100 right now, when you upgrade)

See the same breakout above the hourly line, and how that led to a significant move yesterday after my alert?

One of the great things about trading options is that when you are right, you can quickly make a lot of money if you nail the direction and timing of a stock move (but you can lose a lot too, so be careful!)

Fortunately, I was on the right side of that move, and I was able to bag over $30,000 in profits on CAVA – just yesterday alone!  💰

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Now, GAME doesn’t have options that make sense to trade.  Plus, it is only trading for around $1 right now.  It is basically priced like an option already.

I am not suggesting that I (or you) will make anywhere near $30,000 today on GAME.  All I am saying is that this has the exact type of setup I look for in a great trade

On top of the awesome chart setup, I came across this research note from Roth Capital last week.

This analyst really dug into the numbers, as you can see below, but I want to focus on the conclusion he comes up with – a $5 price target on GAME

That would be over 330% higher than where the stock is today.

I really encourage you to spend time and look at the impressive business GAME has built.

The revenue growth they are forecasting is one of the best you’ll find from a company this size (and especially at this valuation)

Check out these numbers from their latest financial report:

2024 Annual Guidance

I really could go on and on about GAME, but I encourage you to do your own homework and research is for yourself right now.

I wrote a lot about the business a few months ago when I showed it to you last.  

Here are some snippets from the last time I wrote about it…

GAME just joined the Russell Microcap, and it seemed most traders completely ignored it.

As you can read in the release, Russell Indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. Approximately $12.1 trillion in assets are benchmarked against these indexes – which GAME is now a part of!

GAME is a dominant force in the rapidly growing “E-Sports” sector.

If you are an old guy like me, this might sound foreign, but I am telling you this is a hot place to be right now. 

GAME takes all of the fanfare, the energy, and profitability of professional sports and applies it to competitive video gaming.

This is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world, and very few people are talking about it, much less looking at ways to invest in it.

Now, if you’re like most folks… you hear “E-sports” and you’re probably imagining a tiny little niche, something like the younger cousin that the NFL and NBA don’t talk about…

But you’d be wrong:

(League of Legends Worlds – Staples Center, California)

Just as an example, what you’re looking here at is a packed Staples Center (the same venue that the LA Lakers, Clippers, and Kings all play)—

A venue that seats a “mere” 20,000 people.

Which is great, but it is just a drop in the bucket compared to a League of Legends online tournament that was watched by around 32 million people

That is especially significant when you consider that’s nearly twice the viewership of an average NFL game, which clocks in around 16.7 million.

These are massive numbers folks, and like I said, it seems like barely anyone else is talking about this opportunity right now.

While everyone is in a frenzy over what I call “AI fluff,” we’re seeing staggering growth numbers from the gaming sector:

GAME is already a major player in this $218 BILLION market.

And this sector shows no signs of stalling out.

In fact, it is estimated to double – or more – in size over the coming years:

And, from my point of view, it looks like GameSquare (GAME) is leading the charge to bring E-sports into the spotlight. These folks have amassed no fewer than 350 gaming brands under their umbrella…

And their list of brand partners looks a lot like what you’d expect to see on the side of the UFC octagon or an NFL field —

But it’s not just titanic companies like Red Bull, Nike, and Miller Lite entering the fray…

We’re also seeing heavy-hitters like Dallas Cowboys (THE most high-value sports team in the US) owner Jerry Jones and John Goff – founder of Goff Capital – throwing their support behind GAME.

But the list of “top shelf” partners still doesn’t stop there — 

GAME is casting its net beyond even the commercial sector, partnering with the United States Army to hold E-sports events for all of our servicemen and women:

But why GameSquare?

Why do I think this is THE company that’s capable of bringing E-sports into the forefront of modern entertainment?

The answer is simple —

Just like any great piece of real estate, it all comes down to …

Location, location, location.

At the end of the day, E-sports’ big hurdle is a pretty straightforward: 

Connecting brands with new fans…

Which is precisely where GAME thrives.

By positioning itself with one foot in the gaming sector and one foot in the “Creator Economy” with a small army of 1,500 social media creators

They’re putting themselves in a sweet spot to tap the power of apps like TikTok – with it’s 1 billion monthly active users – to create genuine connection with their core demographic (ages 19-30), which simply does not respond to “legacy” advertising:

By side-stepping the usual sales funnels and going straight to the consumer with an innovative marketing strategy, GAME is tapping directly into a Gen Z market that wields about $360 BILLION in buying power:

I want you to look at that last word — “Monopolize.” 

We’re looking at a company that doesn’t want to be an E-sports company… it’s working to become the NFL of professional gaming!

And with:

They have accomplished a tremendous amount already, so I think these lofty goals are certainly possible.

But don’t take my word for it — 

Just because I love this stock doesn’t mean you should go in blind, which is why you should take a moment before you start the day’s trading and see all of the details for yourself.  Take time to fully understand the risks, and potential rewards, of this amazing company if you decide to invest.

A great place to start would be right here on the company’s website.

To your success,


*please see disclosures below
*ISSUER-PAID ADVERTISEMENT. RagingBull has not been compensated for writing and disseminating this content today. However, in the past RagingBull was compensated paid fifteen thousand dollars by ach bank transfer by GameSquare for advertising from a period beginning on July 12, 2023 through July 14 of the same year. RagingBull has previously been paid twenty thousand dollars by ach bank transfer by GameSquare for advertising from a period beginning on July 5, 2023 through July 7 of the same year. To date, RagingBull has been paid a total of thirty-five thousand dollars from GameSquare. As a result of this advertisement and other marketing efforts, Raging Bull may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. As of the date of this advertisement, the owners of Raging Bull do not hold a position in GameSquare. This advertisement and other marketing efforts may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of GameSquare, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of the GameSquare securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the marketing arrangement has ended.
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