*Sponsored by FSD Pharma


Good Morning!  Jeff Bishop here again.  

I don’t know about you, but I was having a perfectly fine trading day until Jerome Powell opened his big mouth yesterday afternoon and sent the markets into a tailspin.

Thanks a lot J-Pow💥

So many sectors are very dependent on interest rates and it’s fair that investors are closely eyeing yesterday’s rate decision.

But not every sector is negatively affected by high interest rates. Not every company is either. 

There are some very unique “story stocks” out there right now that need to be on your radar, that are moving independently from the overall market.

This is where you can find the best opportunities right now instead of trying to bet if stocks like TSLA are going up or down today.  That is basically a coin flip each day.

But you can do better.  I want to bring your attention to a perfect example of this. It is a stock that has been gaining a “huge” following lately, but is still under the radar of most traders.

I have been waiting patiently for the right time to get this stock back on your radar, and I think the time is now if you go and look at the price chart.

This could end up being one of the biggest stories for the next year, and I don’t want you to miss it.

The stock you need to focus on today is:

FSD Pharma (Nasdaq: HUGE)


It’s actually a stock I’ve mentioned before and it’s stayed on my radar. Recently, HUGE made a game-changing announcement that I believe could drive this stock higher, regardless of what the general markets decide to do about Powell’s decision later.

History May Not Repeat, But It Sure Does Rhyme

The last time I brought this stock to your attention, the markets were trending lower. HUGE, on the other hand, was making a brand-new 52-week high. 📈

I’m willing to bet a big part of was that one of the original 🦈 on Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington, posted that he was excited to be working with FSD Pharma on an upcoming “breakthrough new product” that could be an absolute gamechanger

Well, HUGE has delivered in a big way (ahem).

They just unveiledUNBUZZD!

It’s (apparently) a great-tasting functional beverage  – think Red Bull and the incredibly large energy drinks market  – that will (hopefully) provide relief from drunkenness by accelerating the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol. In so doing, it reduces the Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) – the amount of it in your blood and on your breath. 

Kevin literally says, “THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE SOCIETY.”

Check out this YouTube video a couple of months ago (just before the last big run we saw for HUGE) where Kevin describes his passion for HUGE and the new UNBUZZD beverage.

Then, earlier this week, Kevin released a new video, which I doubt many people have seen yet.

Watch to learn the details of this new product, and how Kevin is positioning his team for maximum impact on UNBUZZD!  

Now, let me reiterate, we are in the early stages here – this new drink is not on the market yet – but it is attracting some high-profile names to it, and for good reason.

It’s still undergoing clinical trials.  This is real science at work after all, not some fruity drink filled with caffeine and sugar. 

As HUGE explains, it’s infused with natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals that aim to help the liver and brain better flush the alcohol in your bloodstream in about 30 minutes.

I think Kevin Harrington is right – This is going to change society!

I’m not surprised at the announcement of UNBUZZD either. When I heard that the company had added Gerry David to its Board of Advisors, I knew great things were ahead.

Why did his appointment give me so much confidence?  Because I’ve known about Celsius Holdings (Nasdaq: CELH) for years now and traded options on the stock many, many times – if you have followed me for any time at all, you know CELH is one of my all-time favorite stocks.

But how do you think CELH got on the map?  Gerry David was the Chief Executive Officer of CELH, where he spearheaded a turnaround that resulted in a global sales explosion, influx of capital from notable strategic investors, and a rise in market capitalization that increased shareholder value 35-fold by exceeding $9 billion.

When explaining his decision to join the board, David said (emphases added), “I have seen countless products throughout my career, and I can honestly say that I have never seen anything as unique and disruptive as the product FSD Pharma is developing to counteract alcohol intoxication and misuse.”

Read that part again ☝️.  THAT is coming from the former CEO of one of the biggest beverage companies in the world.   

Now that disruptive product has a name: UNBUZZD!

It isn’t a coincidence that Gerry and Kevin worked together at CELH and they absolutely crushed it with their last beverage company in one of the all-time greatest home run plays…

Source: https://kevinharrington.tv/

I’ll point out, this chart above is a little outdated….CELH actually hit $200 recently, which would mean people early with Kevin saw over an 80,000% return if my math is correct!

Now, I am not expecting that for HUGE. I would be really happy with just a fraction of that move!

You know who else is expecting a huge move for HUGE?

BJ Cook, analyst at Singular Research who just released a new report on HUGE where he slapped a $6 price target on the stock, following the announcement of UNBUZZD.

Like I said, go pull up the stock chart right now and see what you think about this.

We have seen some massive moves for the stock lately, and I really like where it is setting up right now.

If you look at Yahoo!, you’ll see their technical analysis is giving the stock a green light across the board…

I don’t think there is a better opportunity to look at in the market today than FSD Pharma (HUGE)

I almost forgot to mention that this is a stock that has options available to trade. 

If you are like me, that can be music to your ears! 🎶

Some of these contracts have pretty big open interest.  I wonder what traders are betting big on? 🤔

Make sure you do your homework on this stock and see if you agree with me on it.

I’d suggest you visit their website and learn more about the risks and potential rewards with the company. As always, have a gameplan in place before you ever make any stock purchases. 

Best of luck, and do your own due diligence as always!

To Your Success,

By the way…  👉 Text RAGE” to (888) 404-5747 to get all of my latest HOT STOCK ideas delivered right to your phone!

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*ISSUER-PAID ADVERTISEMENT. RagingBull has been paid fifteen thousand dollars by ach bank transfer by FSD Pharma for advertising from a period beginning on Sept 21, 2023 through Sept 22 of the same year. RagingBull has previously been paid fifteen thousand dollars by ach bank transfer by FSD Pharma for advertising from a period beginning on April 10, 2023 through April 18 of the same year. Raging Bull has been compensated a total of thirty thousand dollars to date by FSD Pharma. As a result of this advertisement and other marketing efforts, Raging Bull may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. As of the date of this advertisement, the owners of Raging Bull, do not hold a position in FSD Pharma. This advertisement and other marketing efforts may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of FSD Pharma, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of the FSD Pharma securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the marketing arrangement has ended.
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