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NMTC is a Cutting-Edge Technology Stock That is Flashing a Strong “GO” Signal Right Now

Happy Monday!

I nerded out this weekend 🤓.  I went through lots of investor presentations, looked at hundreds of stock charts, and watched hours of trading videos.

I am feeling super-sharp and dialed into this week ahead… I hope you are, too!

For my biggest takeaway, I will be especially looking at small-cap, biotech, gold and semiconductor stocks this week!

Those appear to have the biggest momentum trends behind them right now.

With the success we have been seeing with smaller stocks lately, I am pumped to get this week kicked off with another awesome idea – so let’s get to it!  

The stock I’m pulling up on my platform right now is NeuroOne Medical (NMTC).

As I was pouring over charts this weekend, one thing that stood out to me was this tiny medical device maker (really awesome technology, too. I’ll get to that in a minute).

✅ As a small-cap and a biotech stock, NMTC checks off two of the major trends I see for this week.

After a series of back-and-forth price moves over the last couple of months, NMTC has quietly started to build a base above the “magical $1 level” and has already started to climb out of that range.

As you can see below, NMTC just fired off a “Gamma Trigger” signal on Friday.  This could be the start of a very powerful move.

I think today will be a crucial day for NMTC.

In the chart below, you’ll see where I think the recent support/resistance levels have been.

If this “Gamma Trigger” move continues to carry NMTC higher, I think it is very important to keep an eye on the $1.40 level, which has shown to be resistance lately.  

If that is broken through convincingly, it could then act as a new support level.

The cool thing is that after the $1.40 level, the next serious resistance point is all the way at $2, which NMTC has tested a few times in the last year.

However, if the move fails, I would keep a close eye on $1.05, which has been the support level on the downside.

This is an incredible risk/reward setup to pay close attention to right now.

NMTC has shown that it can make some highly sustained moves from these low levels.

In November / December, NMTC rallied from $.90 to $2.00 (a move over 120% higher) in just a few weeks’ time.

In July, NMTC made a similar move when it made a 100% move over a few days.

If this current move is anything similar to that, we could be in the very early stages.

I would also note that this stock has moved extremely quickly in the opening stages of those rallies.

I think it is important that you get NMTC on your radar right away so you don’t miss watching any of the action today.

While the price chart is obviously fantastic looking to me, I find the technology that the company is working on to be equally fascinating.

It reminds me of Elon’s Neurolink company.  Let me explain.  

NeuroOne Medical Technologies Corp (NMTC) is a medical technology developer of electrodes designed to diagnose and treat a variety of neurological conditions.

Despite being a relatively small company, NMTC has received FDA clearance for three of its devices and has forged powerful partnerships with the likes of the Mayo Clinic — the nation’s top-ranked hospital.

NMTC’s clinical partnership with the Mayo Clinic began in 2017, and the first commercial human use of one of NMTC’s electrodes was performed at the Mayo Clinic in November 2020.

Today, the Mayo Clinic is a top shareholder in NMTC and its leading neurologist, Dr. Greg Worrell, chairs the company’s Scientific Advisory Board.

According to the company, this collaboration with the Mayo Clinic has produced “disruptive next-generation diagnostic electrodes advancing a new era in neuroscience.”

The company’s three FDA-cleared devices are:

Evo® Cortical Electrode – A device that can “monitor, record and stimulate the surface of the brain for up to 30 days.” It’s up to seven times thinner and eight times lighter than the legacy silicon-based electrodes.

These electrodes are designed to cause less trauma to the brain and therefore generate a decreased immune response, which can interfere with electrode readings.

Evo® sEEG Electrode – An advanced diagnostic device for seizure detection. It’s designed to be less invasive and to reduce the risk of “plunging” and brain damage.

The company says this electrode offers “proven placement accuracy and outstanding signal quality,” allowing doctors to “capture the vital data [they] need to support more confident diagnoses.”

OneRF™ Therapeutic Ablation Electrode System – This is a technology that pairs with the sEEG electrodes to provide therapeutic functionality in addition to the diagnostic.

Cleared by the FDA in December, this system creates radiofrequency (“RF”) lesions in nervous tissue for use in neurosurgical procedures.

NMTC formed a strategic partnership in July 2020 with Zimmer Biomet (ZBH, ~$25B market cap) — “a worldwide leader in robotic technology used in minimally invasive neurosurgeries” — to exclusively commercialize and distribute its EVO® diagnostic electrodes.

NMTC received a $2 million upfront payment through this partnership and a $3.5 million accelerated payment for reaching an agreed-upon milestone.

For its OneRF™ system, NMTC has already placed component orders for commercialization, and it expects to launch the product either directly or with a strategic partner in the first half of 2024. 

Now that it has reached the commercialization stage for its electrodes, NMTC’s revenues have climbed significantly, from $171,000 in FY 2022 to $1,952,000 for FY 2023.

Significantly, NMTC CFO Ronald McClurg made a big insider purchase of 50,900 shares of the company’s stock.

I see a ton of strong catalysts for NMTC right now, and I am sure as you do your due diligence, you will find the same thing.  No matter what you end up trading this week, I am going to emphasize that it is very important to come to the market with a solid trade plan that makes sense for you and your unique circumstances.  Only trade with money you can afford to lose, and always make sure to carefully read all disclaimers and research you can get your hands on.

I think NMTC is poised for big things.

Today is going to be an exciting day for the stock, so don’t miss out on a moment of it!

To Your Success,

Jeff Bishop

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