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ONCY is a Blockbuster Biotech Stock Headed into Phase 3 Trials. 

It is Sitting on Massive Cash, has FDA Fast-Track Designation, and Wall Street Analysts Peg The Stock Over 400% Higher From Today’s Price 


As you saw, yesterday’s lithium stock idea produced a double-digit return for those who saw it early.  I really encourage you to keep a close eye on it today as well, and look for follow through.

It just proves that we are on the right track when it comes to winning ideas lately.

Today, I think I have landed on something even BIGGER.

If you have been following the markets this week (or joined my complimentary, live Bullseye session on Monday where I talked about why I bought it before the news), you probably came across a stock that many traders hadn’t heard of until this week – VKTX.

This stock jumped over 100% this week, adding billions in market cap after a successful FDA trial.

I point this out because it goes right along with my observation lately that small biotechs are hot again. 🔥

VKTX lit a fire under traders to find more stocks that might have similar success in the future.

There is one stock that I want you to look at right away that I think fits the bill.

The stock is Oncolytics Biotech (ONCY).

There are several reasons it is so important to look at ONCY right away.

First, consider the price chart.

The stock might be an absolute steal right now, you’ll have to decide that after you read my thoughts on it.

ONCY has dropped more than 50% in the last few months, as traders have abandoned smaller stocks, especially unprofitable biotechs.

With the stock sitting at just over $1 today, I think it presents a tremendous proposition.

Much like buying a stock option, the lowest it can go is $0, right?

But, if they are successful (and I’ll get into why they could be), think of the upside?  It could be mindblowing from this level today. 🤯

If you are wondering why ONCY isn’t making money right now, the answer is simple – they are gearing up to go into a Phase 3 FDA trial (similar to the one VKTX just successfully navigated).

Needless to say, you don’t make money until you have an approved drug… but after that, the sky’s the limit!

That is why you see such huge valuations after a company has cleared Phase 3 approvals.

And get this, the FDA sees such potential for ONCY, they granted them Fast-Track designation to help speed the approval process. 

On top of that, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) awarded ONCY with a $5 million grant to further its research.

This will help the company jumpstart its intended “Phase 3” trial in mid-2024, which would officially transition it to a “late-stage” biopharmaceutical company.

As of its Q3 2023 filing, the company had virtually $40 million in cash reserves, which it said in January should be a sufficient “cash runway” to power it for more than 12 months, including the initiation of its Phase 3 trial.

That’s right.  

ONCY as of the last filing, is already sitting on a pile of cold, hard cash of nearly $40 million.

That shows a lot of planning and foresight from the company to build that reserve.

While most retail investors have not been paying attention, analysts on Wall Street have taken notice.

Analysts see the huge potential with ONCY.

In fact, even the most “conservative” analyst estimate puts the stock 400% higher from today’s price, as you can see from the WSJ estimates:

For some background, Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (ONCY) is a clinical-stage biotechnology company at the leading edge of “immunotherapy” cancer research.

In case you don’t know, immunotherapy treatments trigger the body’s own immune system to fight cancer.

At the core of ONCY’s approach is pelareorep, a reovirus that has shown an incredible power to awaken the immune system in order to destroy tumors.

Pelareorep is delivered to the patient intravenously (unlike other immunotherapies which require direct injection into the tumor).

The reovirus then selectively replicates in the cancer cells, inducing “a cascade of inflammatory responses that enable the immune system to destroy the tumor while sparing normal tissue.”

According to the company, “Because pelareorep replicates only in tumor cells, it is well-tolerated by patients.”

I learned from Wikipedia that pelareorep has three main “mechanisms of action”:

The therapy has demonstrated tremendous potential, earning it Fast Track designation from the FDA for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and a type of advanced pancreatic cancer.

Fast Track is “a designation . . . of an investigational drug for expedited review to facilitate development of drugs that treat a serious or life-threatening condition and fill an unmet medical need.”

And that designation appears to be paying off…

ONCY has several “Phase 2” trials — trials that test the treatment in human patients — ongoing, and has already demonstrated positive results in breast and pancreatic cancers. 

To date, the therapy has been studied in more than 1,100 patients.

According to the company, “When pelareorep was added to standard metastatic breast cancer treatment, overall survival rates nearly doubled in a randomized study of patients with HR+/HER2- breast cancer.” (emphasis added)

In a pancreatic cancer trial, “Interim clinical data showed a 69% objective response rate, which is nearly triple historical control trial averages.”

ONCY has already teamed up with pharma heavyweights such as Roche Holding AG, Pfizer Inc., Merck Serono, Incyte Corporation, and Adlai Nortye to evaluate pelareorep in combination with other therapeutic agents, and there’s no telling where those relationships could lead…

Bottom LineONCY could be a blockbuster opportunity from this level. With analysts raving about it, the company’s sizable cash position, FDA Fast -Track designation, and a $5M award, I think the future is bright for this little company.

Of course, only you can decide what investments fit your personal risk profile. Whatever you do, always trade with a solid game plan that you can comfortably live with. Read all the disclaimers and do as much research on this amazing company as you can today.

I think you will love ONCY as much as I do!

To Your Success,


Jeff Bishop

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