*Promoted by Shore Thing Media

SVRE is a Small Stock Powerhouse Up as Much as 400% Since December!

What if I told you that I found a stock that has been outpacing Nvidia’s (NVDA) gains by 3-to-1 since December?

While the whole world is talking about NVDA, SMCI, and all the high-flying AI stocks, it is easy to lose focus on other stocks that are making what I call “stealth moves” right now.

Yes, there are a handful of smaller stocks making tremendous moves right now, but I’d say 99% of traders are missing out.

I want to show you one of these special ideas today.

Go ahead and pull up SaverOne (SVRE) on your platform right now, and I will show you what I’m talking about.

If you recall, I brought this idea to your attention around a month ago.

I noticed that the stock was in a strong daily uptrend, and then on the hourly chart, I saw a “Gamma Trigger” move setting up.

I highlighted the trigger below, which is when I sent you my initial alert on SVRE

See how that signal was followed by a whopping 60% move higher around two weeks after we first discussed it?

Well, look at the chart today, and you’ll see that it could be on the cusp of another trigger, which might lead to a continuation of this trend (though no one knows the future when it comes to trading!)

I think traders can increase their odds of success when they look at multiple timeframes on charts.

Too often we focus solely on 1-min charts for day trading, hourly charts for swing trades (like I do), or daily charts for longer trends.

I think if you look at a stock on all three timeframes, you’ll get a clearer picture of the overall trend, which could increase your odds of success.

It’s true when they say, “Don’t fight the trend!

While the hourly chart (actually 65-minute, we can discuss why later) above is what I use for actual entries on a stock – it is the DAILY CHART I use to look at the bigger trend.

When you zoom out on SVRE and look at it on the daily level, it doesn’t get much better than this…

SVRE fired daily “GO” signals back in December and hasn’t looked back since.

In fact, SVRE has moved as high as 400% from the lows before that trigger happened.

Each dip has been supported by the 20-day moving average line, which is exactly where the stock is sitting today.

Think about that for a moment. 

While everyone is clamoring for the next 10-20% move on NVDA… SVRE has handed its investors a much bigger gain over the last few months.

It is wild to think that little SVRE has TRIPLED NVDA’s 120% potential move since December!

Sometimes, the best opportunities are right under our noses, but we don’t take the time to pay attention to them.

Don’t make that mistake today!

No one can ever predict the future perfectly, but from what I have seen in the past, SVRE is setting up perfectly right now.

I would give this an “A+” signal right now, and I can’t say that too often.

Now, will the signal last a few hours?  A few days?  A few weeks?

Impossible to know for sure, but that is what makes trading so fun!

SVRE defied my expectations last time and made a slingshot move 60% higher two weeks after my last alert.   

The point is that when you find a trend this strong, you just never know what will happen, but it sure makes sense to pay attention to it.

You can do with it what you will, but I think SVRE is the single stock that should be at the top of your list today.

Now, this fascinating little company is pioneering advanced road-safety solutions and has already made big headway in its home country of Israel.

It’s no secret that motor vehicle accidents are a huge problem in the US — and worldwide. 

The World Health Organization notes that such accidents accounted for 1.19 million deaths last year — making them “the leading killer of children and youth aged 5 to 29 years and … the 12th leading cause of death when all ages are considered.”

Clearly, any company that could put a dent in those numbers should stand to profit handsomely, and that’s precisely what SVRE has in mind…

Innovative solution to a BIG problem

According to a report from the U.S. Department of Transportation, distracted driving was responsible for 3,522 people killed and an additional 362,415 people injured in 2021.

This amounted to eight percent of all fatal crashes and 14 percent of all injury crashes.

Apart from the tremendous human cost of these accidents, the report estimates the economic cost of crashes resulting from distracted driving in 2019 to be $98 billion.

Founded in 2014, SVRE has a tailor-made solution to this problem that is already appealing to fleet managers, public transportation operators, and families with young adult drivers.

The answer is its In-Cabin Driver Distraction Prevention Solution (DDPS), branded as the SaverOne System.

This system uses nex-gen technology to detect when a cell phone is near a driver’s seat and, in conjunction with the SaverOne App, blocks access to distracting apps and social media without disrupting necessary apps like navigation, emergency signals, and hands-free phone calls.

Source: Corporate presentation.

The company seems to have anticipated a lot of obvious objections:

In addition, the system allows for complete analysis of the driver’s behavior, including real-time alerts…

This has obvious benefits for parents of teenage drivers, but it can also integrate into fleet management systems with real-time data collection in a central dashboard.

I really like the DDPS because it prevents distracted driving rather than reacting to it the way traffic tickets or increased insurance premiums do.

So Who’s Using It?

Despite SVRE being a relatively young startup company — it IPO’d on the NASDAQ in June 2022 — it has already attracted an impressive suite of clients, including more than 100 companies that have integrated the SaverOne System into their fleets.

Some highlights:

On the whole, the company’s revenue appears to be climbing rapidly — with a 4x year-over-year increase in the first half of 2023.

The company clearly has the ability to reach into both the public and private sectors, in Israel and abroad…

In February, it announced the award of a new patent in the US related to its DDPS:

“With this new patent, SaverOne’s (SVRE) patent portfolio comprises 23 patents of which 10 are already granted in various jurisdictions and a further 13 additional patent applications in process. These patents are strategically filed in key markets such as the US, China, Israel, the United Kingdom, and the European Union, reflecting the company’s strategic vision for global expansion.”

With a population under 10 million people, Israel is a relatively small market, so it’s great to see SVRE has its sights set on “global expansion” and is taking the right steps to get that started.

Wrapping Up

I haven’t even gone into SVRE’s other core technology — called the RF ADAS sensor — since it isn’t yet for sale…

The gist is it can detect the cell phones of “Vulnerable-Road-Users” (pedestrians and cyclists, for example) from a seamless vehicle integration, then alert the driver and/or apply the brakes.

This system would work even in poor weather conditions and when there is no line-of-sight. You can read more about it on the company’s website here.

Clearly, SVRE is an innovative company developing real solutions to real problems.

What I will say is I think this is the one stock you should be dialed into today. Check out the company’s website, this presentation, and poke around on Google to see what you find to do your own due diligence, and of course, always approach your trading in a responsible manner. Never trade with more than you can afford to lose, and always have a well-thought-out game plan that takes your personal risk tolerance into consideration.

Bottom line: SVRE has been one of the strongest stocks in the entire market over the last few months. All the signals I see right now show that it is a crucial moment once again. I think today is going to be a big decision day for the stock and for the direction of the trend. 

Let’s see if we get more fireworks 🎆 today!

To Your Success,

Jeff Bishop

👊 P.S. Get to the FRONT of the line with my trade alerts. Just text “RAGE” to 1-(888) 404-5747 to get all of my latest HOT STOCK ideas!

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*PAID ADVERTISEMENT. RagingBull has currently been paid seventeen thousand five hundred dollars by ach bank transfer by Shore Thing Media for advertising SaverOne for a one-day advertising program on march 13, 2024. RagingBull has previously been paid fifteen thousand dollars by ach bank transfer by Shore Thing Media for advertising SaverOne for a one-day advertising program on Feb 14 2024. As a result of this advertisement and other marketing efforts, RagingBull may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. As of the date of this advertisement, the owners of Raging Bull do not hold a position in SaverOne. This advertisement and other marketing efforts may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of SaverOne, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of the SaverOne securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the marketing arrangement has ended.  As of the date of the issuance of this advertisement, the owners of Raging Bull do not hold a position in SaverOne., though they reserve the right to buy or sell shares in the covered company at any time following the dissemination of this communication.

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